2015 Primary Theme

2015 Primary Theme: I Know My Savior Lives

“For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth” ( Job 19:25).

Monday, September 23, 2013

Great Joy

As my family did our scripture study yesterday morning, we read I Nephi 8:12:

"And as I partook of the fruit thereof it filled my soul with exceedingly great joy."

I instantly thought, "That's how I feel after I visit Primary!!" I think I have the best calling ever. I get to meet new people, sing songs, play games and leave with my heart filled with joy!

Great happiness comes from righteous living. The purpose of our mortal life is to have joy and a full joy will come only through Jesus Christ. Thank you for sharing this great joy with our Primary children each week!

Elise Simbeck
Stake Primary Presidency
First Counselor

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Ready to do the Work

If you have time, watch this video first! https://www.lds.org/broadcasts/watch/primary-auxiliary-training/2013/04&vid=2321593491001?lang=eng
As I watched this video, I was reminded of when I was released from my calling as Activity Days Leader. My Activity Day girls were sad (that surprised me!). They made me cards and wrote beautiful thank you notes. I read all of their notes and cried. I didn’t realize how much I had meant to them and I didn’t realize how much I had come to love them. But, the most surprising thing was that they all said their most favorite activity was the Kids Kloset Service Project we did.
What made that event most memorable? What was different about that activity compared to all of the others activities? Well, the only difference was that they had planned and carried out the service project themselves.
I lead and guided them in looking around our community to see if they could find a need. We created a list of things that needed attention in our community and then brainstormed possible solutions. The girls each had an assignment to call the different places in the community like the food bank, Kids Kloset and Noah animal shelter to see what we could do to help. They reported back and we discussed and decided on one of the service projects to act on.
The girls worked with the volunteers to arrange our service time. They did it all just with a little guidance. They said they liked that activity was their favorite because they got to be so involved in it.
Sis. Nicole said in this video, “I was surprised at how capable they were and how courageous and prepared they already were to do the work. The lord had already done the work in their hearts and they were ready. All that they needed from us as leaders was an invitation and an opportunity to move forward with the feelings that they already had.”
All of our Activity Day girls are capable and willing! They are full of great ideas and thoughts. Our guidance can help them gain confidence and leadership all preparing for their future roles. Never underestimate these amazing girls!!

Elise Simbeck
Arlington Stake Primary First Counselor

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Actions and Examples

Ralph Waldo Emerson is known for his saying "What you are doing is speaking louder than what you are saying!"
This is a great reminder about how our actions and example can influence those around us. It also reminds us to make our actions and words consistent with each other. Although this saying implies that we are not doing the things we should, I see this quote very different when I apply it to each of you!!
The spirit that you bring with you to church and primary each week speaks louder, in its quiet way, than you realize. Feeling the spirit can be more important than the words spoken. When I visit I feel the love and spirit in your primary and just love being there. I can see that the children feel that way too. Remember that Spirit testifies and bears a witness of our Father and our Savior directly to our hearts. As you prayerfully prepare for callings, always consider ways you can help each child feel the spirit.

Elise Simbeck
Stake Primary Presidency
1st Counselor

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Are You There?

With summer coming to a close, I've been busy getting ready for the new school year. I've been clothes shopping, working out the sports and activity schedules, finishing my summer projects, cleaning out the storage unit, putting camping gear away, cleaning out the kids rooms and many other things. Watching this video made me think that maybe I've been just a bit too busy. Even though I've been home this summer, I've forgotten to "be there". Here's a 3 minute video about making sure we are there to touch a heart at home and within our callings.


Elise Simbeck
Stake Primary Presidency
1st Counselor