2015 Primary Theme

2015 Primary Theme: I Know My Savior Lives

“For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth” ( Job 19:25).

Monday, October 27, 2014

We can teach, share love, and testify of the Savior

"The world will teach our children if we do not, and children are capable of learning all the world will teach them at a very young age. What we want them to know five years from now needs to be part of our conversation with them today. Teach them in every circumstance; let every dilemma, every consequence, every trial that they may face provide an opportunity to teach them how to hold on to gospel truths.
For children all over the world, we say: “Take my hand. Hold on tight. We will stay on the path together back to our Heavenly Father.”
Parents, grandparents, neighbors, friends, Primary leaders—each of us can reach out to hold on to the children. We can stop, kneel down, and look into their eyes and feel of their innate desire to follow the Savior. Take hold of their hands. Walk with them. It is our chance to anchor them on the path of faith." 
Rosemary Wixom Primary General President

Many children today do not have parents teaching them right from wrong.  They do not have a home where there is love and tenderness.  They do not know Heavenly Father or Jesus.  But, we do, and we can teach, share love, and testify of the Savior.  Live so that you have the Holy spirit with you at all times so, you are ready to give that light to all you come in contact with.  Children are capable of so much.  I see it daily.  I have a kid in my first grade class on a daily basis that says nobody loves him.  I see children hug him and give him notes to fill his heart with love.  Children want to do good things.  They can and will if they are taught.  Parents and teachers are extremely important.  Don't stop telling the children who they are and where they come from.  The world will never be enough.  Children need to know there is a God that loves them and that they can hold on and trust in him.

Autumn McClellan 
Arlington Stake Primary President

Monday, October 13, 2014

Strength Through Christ

Today, I was reminded that all people, including children have weaknesses and limitations.  It also reminded me of the scripture, [If any of you have done it to the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.]  I was a painfully shy child and I have a son that struggles with getting in front of people, also.  As I watched Camano Ward practice for their primary program today my heart went out to those children that really struggled to be in the spotlight.  Sometimes they struggle with being shy, sometimes it is a struggle for kids that are not the best readers.  Whatever the issue it helps to know the kids in your primary, so you can help them and be mindful of their struggles.  It may be necessary for some children to read with a group.  It may be necessary to help a child memorize a passage and it may be necessary to listen to a child and determine if they need more time to gain confidence. 

Last year my son took piano lessons for the first time and at the end of the year they have the opportunity to perform in a recital.  He was so nervous about this that he cried and cried and did not want to go.  As I talked with my son I told him how he can pray and ask for Heavenly Father to help give him courage and that with Heavenly Father's help everything always turns out better.  I told him about my experiences as a child and I helped him pray and ask for help.  The next day he preformed at his recital and gained a testimony that Heavenly Father does answer prayers and will help us with our silly limitations.

I  appreciate the loving kindness of adults that love and keep encouraging children with limitations.  Do know this, that those weaknesses through Christ will be made strong.  I know this to be true since I am asked to speak in front of people quite frequently now.  I could never have done this as a child, but as I put my trust in the Lord  year after year I have learned that he helps me say the things He wants others to know.  It is still hard and I still get nervous, but I know He is with me.   Never give up on a child and keep encouraging and inviting.  If they say no, it is okay, but keep asking them to come up and participate.  In time they will surprise you.  Love is always the key!

Autumn McClellan
Arlington Stake Primary President

Monday, October 6, 2014

Walk as He Walked

I loved the words of President Monson today about  the Savior.  "Works which ye have seen me do, you shall do also".  "What manner of men are you?"  "Walk as He walked."  I was reminded yesterday as I had the opportunity to give away coats to the homeless in Seattle, that everybody has their own path to the Savior.  Some roads are rough and some are easy depending on our opportunities, experience and the choices we make.  Those that find the Savior early are blessed.  I feel glad that I had good parents, teachers, and church leaders that showed me the gospel was the way to true happiness. 

Some are not as fortunate as us.  They do not have the life experience that we do.  The gospel was not handed to them at birth.  They had to fight and fail and overcome much to know God and His son.  I met a man named Cleveland Harmon, that finally, at age 66 has found a love and trust for God.  He knows that what is most important in this life is connections with people and that no matter what the circumstances you are given or, choose, you can be like the Savior.  You can serve and love those around you even when the only possession you have on this earth is a backpack full of journals and short stories you have written about your life.  I was privileged to hear some of his stories yesterday. I was also humbled.   Heavenly Father loves Cleveland Harmon.   There is evidence of this love in His journals.  If the Savior can love this man how great is His love for you, a servant of God.  

President Monson said, "Decisions determine destiny,"  How will you serve His children in primary?  Do you think you make a difference?  When you show up each Sunday, when you prepare, when you testify of Him your slow and steady obedience to the Father will make a difference.  Not just to you, but someone you may never know about.  Heavenly Father looks upon the heart.  It does not matter at what point in life we turn to the Savior as long as we do, but I know that the earlier children know and learn of the Savior the better off they will be.  Peace and joy in this life come from the Savior.  Knowing Him prevents many lost and wandering souls.  Do your best to help the children in primary come to know the Savior in the new year.  I have no doubt you can accomplish this feat because you would not be in this calling if you did not have a mighty testimony of Christ our Savior.  

Autumn McClellan
Arlington Stake Primary President