2015 Primary Theme

2015 Primary Theme: I Know My Savior Lives

“For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth” ( Job 19:25).

Monday, January 26, 2015

Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ Love Me

Today's primary theme, "Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ Love Me".  Thinking about this I can't help but think what life is like for those that do not have this knowledge.  When life gets hard and you want to give up what do you have to hold on to.  To get you through?  I know many times I have said over and over in my head Heavenly Father and Jesus love me and want me to be happy.  I can do this.  This knowledge helps me press on.  It helps me have the strength to get up the next day.  It helps me not give up on life.  This is a knowledge our children need to give them confidence and strength when life gets tough.  

Another thought I had was what do we do for people we love?  We do everything we can.  We give everything we can.  I think of all the obedient prophets in the scriptures that quickly obeyed.  When we serve diligently and keep our minds on what the Lord wants us to do we show them that we love them.  What is the most important? It will always come down to love and relationships.  I don't always love my job as a school teacher, but I do love moments when I get to be like Jesus.  I was able to hug a little boy and wipe his tears until he stopped crying this week.  His friend in class was moving away and he was very sad about it.  These moments keep me going when it gets hard.  I am glad I know Heavenly Father and Jesus love me and I am happy I can share that love with others.  I am happy you get to share your love with the primary children each week.  I am glad you get to teach them about Heavenly Father and Jesus and I know as they grow in their love for the Savior they will be able to share this love with those around them.

Autumn McClellan
Arlington Stake Primary President

Monday, January 12, 2015

Just Serve

The Arlington Stake Presidency has asked all leaders to register on justserve.org. If you know of service opportunities in our community please let me know and I will forward them on to Sister Thompson in the Stake. Encourage our cub scout leaders and Activity Day girls to find service opportunities on this website. What a a good way to become more like Christ. It is a good way to teach that He lives in us and through us. Service is the best way to as President Uchtdorf would say, to "Fill the World with Christ's Love."
"Jesus Christ, who knew perfectly how to give, set for us the pattern of giving. To those whose hearts are heavy with loneliness and sorrow, He brings compassion and comfort. To those whose bodies and minds are afflicted with illness and suffering, He brings love and healing. To those whose souls are burdened with sin, He offers hope, forgiveness, and redemption. If the Savior were among us today, we would find Him where He always was-ministering to the meek, the downcast, the humble, the distressed, and the poor in spirit."

I know that as we serve daily in our homes, callings, and the community that our hearts will become more like the Savior's. Even little children can fill this joy. They naturally love to give. Bring your children with you when you serve let them see and feel the pure love of Christ.

Autumn McClellan
Arlington Stake Primary president

Thursday, January 8, 2015

A Year of Purpose

Happy New Year!!  Usually the new year brings goal setting to mind.  In your next presidency meeting ask yourselves some questions.  What was your favorite memory during primary last year?  Did you accomplish your goals?  What goals can you make for your primary this year?  Who will be getting baptized?  Who will be leaving to YM/YW? How can you help these families with these important ordinances? What families are struggling and could use a little extra attention?  Which family have you not seen at church in the last couple of months?  Are their some family names you could take to ward council?  We are blessed to be able to study about the Savior this year.  You get to testify of Him.  You get to help the children in your ward gain a testimony that the Savior lives and loves them.  I am excited to get to know the Savior better this year through my personal study.  Make it a meaningful year.  Start 2015 with a purpose.  You will be blessed in your efforts.  

Autumn McClellan
Arlington Stake Primary President


Everyday we make hundreds of choices. Lots of them we don't have to think about, they're just habits, like brushing our teeth. But others require us to ponder and give serious thought to how these choices will impact us and those around us. On one hand this allows us awesome opportunities for growth and new experiences. We are responsible for our happiness and our attitude can brighten the day and lighten the loads of those we interact with. On the other hand, it can be scary making choices. What we choose determines what course our life takes.

As we make choices I hope that we remember that we are NEVER alone! Heavenly Father and Jesus are there, waiting for us to come to them and seek their help. Our dear Father knows what is best for us and those we serve. Our Savior showed us how to live and gave His life in our behalf and will help us. In 3 Nephi 27:27-29, the question is asked..."what manner of men ought ye to be? Verily I say unto you, even as I am... Whatsoever things ye shall ask the Father in my name shall be given unto you. Therefore, ask and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you; for he that asketh, receiveth; and unto him that knocketh, it shall be opened."

What a great promise! We can receive divine help if we just humble ourselves and ask for it. Let's do it! We need to remember that we are capable of anything with Heavenly Father's help. We were sent here to succeed and we have the tools to be amazing! Remember who you are and ask for help. Try your best...Whatever shortcomings you have won't matter, the Lord makes up the difference and your best is good enough. He loves you and will always help. Sometimes not in the way you expect but He will be there and will strengthen you so that you can go and be the person He needs you to be for those you work with.

Thank you for all you do! Thanks for the smiles, lessons, preparations, prayers and everything else. You are amazing, you are loved and you are needed! Thank you.

Lauri Ferguson
Arlington Stake Primary
2nd Counselor

Gifts from the Heart

 The Christmas season is in full swing, only 9 days left until the big day...Are you ready or still looking for those last few presents?  Here are a few ideas for gifts from the heart, that will bring you and the recipient closer to our Savior this special time of year. 

     These ideas are from lds.org, such a great resource and inspiration, if you haven't looked it over recently, I strongly recommend checking it out.

1. Give the gift of His life. Provide you and your loved ones with a new and meaningful way to learn about Jesus Christ.  Watch the nativity and other scenes from the Savior’s life, these videos will provide you and your loved ones with a new and meaningful way to learn about Jesus Christ.

2. Give the gift of His ministry.
Give someone a “Day of Service Coupon,” which they may redeem at any time and for any project, or you can just show up and do something you know someone needs.

3. Give the gift of His word.
The scriptures are where we learn of Christ.  Write your testimonies inside and give them to friends, family, neighbors, or anybody who would appreciate the chance to read about the Savior during this special season.

4. Give the gift of His birth.
Act out the nativity this year as a gift to your family and friends—but keep it simple. Nothing was overdone or extravagant that night long, long ago. It was just a stable, a manger, and a group of faithful people gathered together to celebrate the miracle of the world. Read in Luke 2:1–16 and use “The First Christmas” program from The Friend

5. Give the gift of His love.
Create a Scripture Service Chain with your family. Every day you can read a Christmas scripture, sing a Christmas song, or do a Christmas action. This fun activity will inspire you and your family to remember the true meaning of Christmas and share His love all season long.
Lauri Ferguson
2nd counselor Stake primary presidency

The Christmas Season

The Christmas season is upon us and with that comes so many opportunities to draw closer to our Savior as we remember Him and serve others in efforts to be more like Him. This time of year can bring so much happiness and joy but also tends to bring feelings of stress and frustrations to many. There is much to do from the shopping, cooking, baking, entertaining, kids are out of school, families and friends are stopping by and maybe even staying with us! The world is pushing commercialism and we are trying to focus on our Savior. It can be a bit much and even the biggest optimist can have feelings of doubt and inadequacy.

If you have some of those feelings, relax! You are normal. It happens. Take a deep breath, say a prayer and know this.... Heavenly Father loves you and you are amazing and making a difference. You've got this! Stay positive, take a moment for yourself, it will be ok.

President Gordon B. Hinckley said this, "You did not come into the world to fail. You came into the world to succeed. You have accomplished much so far. It is only the beginning. As you move forward on the trail of life, keep the banner of faith in self ever before you. You may not be a genius. You may not be exceptionally smart. But you can be good and you can try. And you will be amazed at what might happen when in faith you take a step forward."

So have a wonderful December. Take the time to really notice the miracles all around you and love the people you are with! Keep trying your best and know that it matters. You are making a difference and that is the greatest gift you can give.

Love, Lauri Ferguson
Stake Primary Presidency
2nd Counselor