2015 Primary Theme

2015 Primary Theme: I Know My Savior Lives

“For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth” ( Job 19:25).

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Liken the scriptures unto us

Last week during our family scripture study one of my sons asked, "How come miracles don't happen to us like they did in the scriptures?"  This gave me a chance to explain some of the recent blessings our family has received.  I proceeded to tell him that some miracles are dramatic like are shown to us in the scriptures, but most are very simple such as when our washing machine broke down and our neighbor helped us fix it, or when we were in need of some money and someone that owed us money, out of the blue, shows up on the doorstep with cash in hand.  

Children need to be taught that the scriptures are for them.  They need to know that they can learn things from the scriptures and that the scriptures do apply to their life.  It is our job as teachers to help them relate the scriptures to their world at home and at school.  Reading a scripture story is good, but great teachers will expand on the story so, the children in their class will feel like the gospel of Jesus Christ is for them, and not just for the people back in the "olden days".  

Autumn McClellan
Second Counselor
Arlington Stake Primary

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