2015 Primary Theme

2015 Primary Theme: I Know My Savior Lives

“For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth” ( Job 19:25).

Monday, February 25, 2013

Heavenly Father Made All of US Special

 Heavenly Father made all of us special.

Please click the link to watch this short 2 minute video "My Brother Hyrum"

Boyd K.  Packer on page 38 (Page 38-39 is a great resource on disabilities) in Teaching No Greater Call, he stated, "During His mortal ministry, the Savior showed great compassion to people who had imperfections of body and mind.  He offered them hope, understanding, and love.  As you teach such people, you should follow His example.  Recognize that all people are different in one way or another.  With love and sensitivity, you can help class members with disabilities participate in lessons.  You may need to work with others you teach to help them understand and accept those with disabilities." 

As Primary leaders you have been entrusted with Gods precious children.  Counsel with parents about the children in primary that have difficulties.  Parents usually know their children best and can help give advice on how to approach their son or daughter.  Counsel with other primary leaders and teachers.  Pray on how best to help particular children learn the gospel.  Counsel with the ward council.  Priesthood leaders may have ideas and resources they can share with you and the child's family.  

Things that have helped children from our Stake sit quietly...Holding a special stuffed animal, a squish ball, an I spy rice bag, sensory balloon,a stretchy hair tie, or a koosh ball.  For older children putting beads on a string in a pattern, lacing cards, finger weaving, and silly putty may be helpful.  With these items come responsible behavior.  The child must know that in order for them to be allowed to play with these items they must be quiet.  No throwing or hitting.  It is also helpful to explain to other children in the class why these children need special items during lesson time.  Other things that might help certain kids would be taking them for a short walk around the building when they are very disruptive.  Leaders can check on classes of children with special needs often to see if the teacher needs help or have a card or sign to hang on the door.  Calm music in the classroom may help some children.  Instrumental hymns would be appropriate.  In some cases a child may need a special adult to sit with them one on one throughout primary. 

I know as you pray and counsel about specific children in your primary you will be blessed with just what you need. I am always inspired by your creative spirits.  The children in our primaries are so blessed to have such dedicated individuals fighting for their salvation.  As we live like the Savior our love will grow.  He is always watching over His children.  He loves you.  We in the Stake love you and appreciate all the time and thought you put into our precious sons and daughters of God.  


Autumn McClellan 
First Counselor
Arlington Stake Primary

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