2015 Primary Theme

2015 Primary Theme: I Know My Savior Lives

“For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth” ( Job 19:25).

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


I was a chaperone for 80 Band students, two of my own,  this week in Disneyland California.  I ate at this restraurant called “Earl of Sandwich”.  I had never eaten there before and as I sat on a tall bar stool looking out the window at the colorful blooming flowers and the tall palm trees, my eye caught a glimpse of this motto on the napkin, ORIGINAL, SIMPLE, WORTHY.  My mind quickly traveled to all the wonderful applications of this motto.  I thought, “That is how I would like to be described!”  and the next thought that followed was “that is how children are”.  I saw many many children in Disneyland.  Some were dancing in their princess dresses, others were swinging on the chains that form the lines, some were giggling and some were crying, but they were all ORIGINAL, SIMPLE, and WORTHY.  Impressed in my mind is the memory of a little girl riding an outside horse on the carousel waving like a queen to everyone the whole ride as it went around and around and around.  She had a beautiful and confident smile!  We are so blessed by these dear children and may we learn to be more childlike, for that is how the Savior is.

Tanya Yancey
Arlington Stake Primary President

PS. The avocado, chipotle chicken sandwich is a new favorite  J

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