2015 Primary Theme

2015 Primary Theme: I Know My Savior Lives

“For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth” ( Job 19:25).

Friday, August 23, 2013

Faith in God

I was inspired for this weeks teaching moment by the Stanwood/Camano cub scout commissioner planning meeting I just attended. In this meeting they mentioned that they were going to start doing a "Faith in God" minute at each pack meeting. This looks like a boy that has accomplished something in the FIG book during the month getting up and explaining or showing what they were working on. I thought this was a brilliant and simple way to get boys excited to work on their Faith in God. In the back of the Faith in God book it in fact states under "Orientation and Recognition" that, "At least twice a year, a Primary activity day (or a Cub Pack meeting) should include opportunities for the children to share what they have learned and accomplished." I also love the letter to our children in the front of the book from the First Presidency. Try to find an opportunity in Senior Primary to read it to them.

Other ways I have seen primary leaders try to help parents with FIG...

1. Mention FIG book after a sharing time that relates to one of the activities in the book. Encourage them to go home and do the activity.

2. Refer to FIG My Gospel Standards frequently in primary.

3. When handing out scripture, talk, and prayer in Senior primary add an Article of Faith. Work on one Article of Faith a month.

4. Use FIG to compliment activities in Cub Scouts and Activity Day girls.

5. If a child comes to you in between sharing time and class time to pass off an Article of Faith give them a small tootsie roll. Have a counselor or the secretary available for this. Other primaries have different ways of rewarding boys and girls for learning the articles of faith. Fire trail gives a picture card with the article of faith on the back attached to a ring for each article of faith earned. They keep them hanging on their scripture bag. There is an example on our Primary blog with information on getting the supplies and print outs. Use what works best for your children.

If you treat Faith in God like it is important the children in your primary will think it is important too. They will be eager to accomplish the activities in the book and as they do this you will see their testimonies grow. You will see they have a love for Heavenly Father, Jesus, and others. They will feel the Holy Ghost and will learn to have faith and will be able to trust the things that are good and right. As children participate in the activities of Faith in God they will come to know God and Jesus Christ (see John 17:3). Thank you for serving in Primary. The work you do will be seen in families for generations to come. It is a reward that is not always seen but, I know Heavenly Father sees what you do and he loves and blesses you for it.

Autumn McClellan
Arlington Stake Primary President

1 comment:

  1. Type in "Article of Faith Cards" into the search to see the post. Contact Sister Vanbelle from the Fire trail ward. She said she would be happy to get anyone started.
