2015 Primary Theme

2015 Primary Theme: I Know My Savior Lives

“For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth” ( Job 19:25).

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Cub Scout Den Doodle

How do you encourage Cub Scouts to wear their uniforms, bring their books, to be on time or bringing their families to pack meetings? 
A den doodle could be the answer.
Den Doodles are used to recognize Cub Scouts for participation in activities and any other behavior which needs encouragement.
Den doodles can be used as a continual incentive for Cub Scouts. A den doodle is an emblem - a figure chosen by the den and placed on a stand or hung on a wall to show each boy's advancement and participation status.  The doodle is then given to the boy as he crosses over into Boy Scouts.
Make your own doodles -
Den doodles are simple to make. It is just a leather or craft string, shoelaces or other lacing attached to circles of cardboard, wood, tin, or other devices.  These "doodles" are hung from a coat hanger or wooden or PVC pipe stand.  Beads are awarded for various things and added to the string each week.  A doodle stick dates back to the Indian coup stick and totem pole.  Cub Scouts will like to make den doodles and watch their string of conquests grow. Boys falling behind take notice of their bare strings and work harder for their advancement. Den doodles should be on display each week and at each pack meeting.
Beads could be awarded for:
1. Being on time. 
2. Wearing their Cub Scout Shirt TUCKED IN.
3. Bringing their Book
4. Passing off something during the week at home with their parents. 
5.  For extra helping or good behavior during the meeting
6. Faith in God requirements
7.  Doing a good deed
8.  Bruises, scrapes and other injuries or lost teeth (a favorite with Cubs!)
9.  Bringing family to the Pack Meetings
Pack 182 has an amazing Doodle that they use for the entire Pack.  I've attached pictures.  You can google "Den Doodles" and see what others have done.
Elise Simbeck
Arlington Stake Primary
First Counselor

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