2015 Primary Theme

2015 Primary Theme: I Know My Savior Lives

“For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth” ( Job 19:25).

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Show them that We Love Them

Isn't that the truth? Isn't that what all of us want, to know that we are loved and cared for? As leaders in primary this should be one of our top priorities...letting the children we are teaching and working with know that they are loved, that we care about them and are interested in them and what they are experiencing.

How do we show these sweet little ones that we love them?  Take the time to get to know them.  See them for who they are and what they can become.  Talk to them, ask questions and listen to their answers.  Sometimes we need to forget the "planned lesson" and answer their questions or focus on a specific point of the gospel for that day.  As we listen to the Spirit we will know how to help each child gain and strengthen their testimony of gospel truths.

Primary teachers have been given the sacred responsibility to teach and love the children in their class.  They are also there to maintain order, encourage and foster teamwork.  Please let your teachers know that they are needed and wanted in primary!  The kids are watching and if they see their teachers get excited about the gospel they will too.  When the kids truly know that their teacher(s) are happy to be there they will act better and be more enthusiastic.  Let your teachers know that sharing and singing time is just as important as  classroom time.  They need to be sitting with their class, reinforcing the importance of reverence and how living the gospel helps keep us safe and teaches us how to be happy. 

Thank you so much for all of your hard work and efforts!!!!  What you are doing is making a huge difference to so many children and families.  Every week in primary there are countless opportunities to feel the spirit and love that Heavenly Father and our dear Savior have for us.  I hope that we all remember what a blessing it is to work with these sweet little ones with big spirits who can teach us so much. 

Thank you, you're all doing great!

Lauri Ferguson
Arlington Stake Primary
Second Counselor

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