2015 Primary Theme

2015 Primary Theme: I Know My Savior Lives

“For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth” ( Job 19:25).

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Adapting a lesson for Junior or Senior Primary

Junior Primary and Senior Primary are two very different groups and therefore should be taught in a different manner. You may have a lesson that has appropriate content for both groups, but you will have to adapt it for the age group you are teaching in order to keep their attention.  

Most Junior primary children cannot read and therefore will need visual things such as pictures or objects to look at and manipulate. Use language that is simple and examples that they can relate to. Remember this age group has a tiny attention span and when they get inattentive you may need to stop for a second and have a movement break. 

Senior primary children have a bigger attention span but, it is still small. They also need to move, visualize and manipulate objects. Use good questions, scripture stories, role playing, and games. With these children you can use higher vocabulary and can allow them to try and define hard words. Allow them time to think over a question and answer it (count to 3 in your head before moving on). These children can do more and need less help from the teacher.  

 When creating your lesson for more than one group try... 
-Making two sets of questions: simple questions for younger children and more difficult questions for older children.  

-Put quotes or scriptures on the back of pictures and when you use them with the younger children they will hold the pictures while you explain the quotes or scriptures. With the older children you can allow them to read the quotes out loud.  

-When using the chalkboard put pictures low and reachable for the younger children. Things at eye level are paid attention to more attentively.  

I know if you try to meet the needs of these two different groups you will have more success in teaching and will feel more satisfied with your efforts. Your ultimate goal is to help children gain a testimony and live the gospel. I am confident that with the Holy Ghost guiding you, you will reach the children in your primary and they will learn to not only live the gospel, but to love the gospel.  
Sister McClellan

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