2015 Primary Theme

2015 Primary Theme: I Know My Savior Lives

“For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth” ( Job 19:25).

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Trust in the Lord

On my trip home from Bear Lake I was able to listen to a good book entitled, Kisses from Katie.  It is a true story about a young woman that goes to Uganda to teach Kindergarten, but finds a life of service.  At age 22 she has adopted 14 children and will spend the rest of her life in Africa.  She is close to her Heavenly Father as she serves Him and His children.  As I listened something huge stood out to me.  You know the saying that says God will not give you more than you can handle, well she says that just isn't true.  He gives us more than we can handle on purpose so we can exercise our faith in Him.  So we have to ask for his help, so we trust that when we can do no more, that he will step in and do the rest.  

I ask that as you serve His children in primary that you remember to seek His guidance.  He knows each child in your Primary by name.  He knows every hair on their little heads and He knows exactly what they need.  You can teach them by yourself, but with His help it will be way more effective.  Trust Him and He will help you make the impossible, possible.  Reach out to those that are lost and you will see miracles happen.  

Autumn McClellan
2nd Counselor
Arlington Stake Primary

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Liken the scriptures unto us

Last week during our family scripture study one of my sons asked, "How come miracles don't happen to us like they did in the scriptures?"  This gave me a chance to explain some of the recent blessings our family has received.  I proceeded to tell him that some miracles are dramatic like are shown to us in the scriptures, but most are very simple such as when our washing machine broke down and our neighbor helped us fix it, or when we were in need of some money and someone that owed us money, out of the blue, shows up on the doorstep with cash in hand.  

Children need to be taught that the scriptures are for them.  They need to know that they can learn things from the scriptures and that the scriptures do apply to their life.  It is our job as teachers to help them relate the scriptures to their world at home and at school.  Reading a scripture story is good, but great teachers will expand on the story so, the children in their class will feel like the gospel of Jesus Christ is for them, and not just for the people back in the "olden days".  

Autumn McClellan
Second Counselor
Arlington Stake Primary

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Dare to Do

"President Monson taught that we should love everyone and learn to see how we can help them." (The Savior's Call to Serve)

I was reminded of an experience this morning.  On the Sunday of our ward conference my boys decided it would be funny to sit in the very front row of the chapel.  Normally, we sit on the very back row because well, my kids can be a little noisy.  They ran in first and I came in and sat on our row.  Pretty soon I am thinking, where are my kids, and there they were front and center.  I tried to talk them into sitting in the back, but they were not budging.  My husband and I caved to their will and sat in the front row.  I thought this would be sheer torture, but guess what it wasn't that bad.  I made it through one Sunday sitting in the front row.  I ventured out of my comfort zone.  The next Sunday we were back in our comfort zone, but I learned it is okay to step out once in awhile.  

I would encourage you to step out of your comfort zone on occasion.  Say Hello to someone new.  Send a note to a child you have not seen in awhile.  If you feel the spirit prompting you, go and bring them some cookies and let them know you miss their family at church.  Talk to the parents and find out if there is anything you can do for them.  What is the worst thing that can happen?  All they can say is "No".  Love that family until they come back and keep loving them so they want to stay.  Be bold, and be brave, the Lord will help you.  

"The Lord will not permit us to fail if we do our part.  He will magnify us even beyond our own talents and abilities...It is one of the sweetest experiences that can come to a human being."  Ezra Taft Benson

Autumn McClellan
Second Counselor
Arlington Stake Primary

Monday, August 6, 2012

Activity Day Camp 2012

Saturday August 4th was our Stake Activities Days Day Camp.  The camp was for all girls ages 8-11 in the stake and their friends.  We had 70 girls pre-register.  It was held at Cascade Park.  The primary theme for 2012 is "Choose the Right".  We tweaked that theme to "Choose the Light" for our camp.  We chose a day that turned out being the first day over 80 degrees in 11 months.  It ended up being the hottest day in the Puget Sound since 2010!  We were all really feeling the heat!  The camp had a slip and slide right next to our area.  I bet a lot of girls were wishing we'd chosen that as one of our classes.

We used the first half hour, when we knew girls would still be arriving, as a campfire.  We asked our older daughters who were one day back from girls' camp to teach the younger girls songs.  We'd planned on having a campfire but the day was already so warm at 9:00 am that although the wood and cardboard was ready to go, we chose to not light it.  This photo was taken at 9:10.  It's a good thing we allowed for a long start since you can see not very many girls were there yet!

Lydia Yancey, Elizabeth Dickson, Anastaya Dickson, Rae Lee Yancey, Tony Nieman

After our campfire, the girls got into their groups.  We'd divided out the girls so that each group had a mix of ages and wards.  Each group received the same color t-shirt to wear.  The first thing they did was decorate a flag for their group to carry around.  Then they rotated through 6, 45 minute classes.

The six classes were:

"Sharing the light"
Sister Mary Levesque helped with the class.
A service project for Cascade Park.  The girls got to ride in this trailer to the area where they were watering trees.

"Follow the Light"
Sister Heather Griffin taught the class.
The girls used GPS devices to do a treasure hunt.  They learned how the scriptures act as a compass or GPS in our lives, giving us direction.

"Shoot for the Light"
Brothers Bill Colburn and Steve Edmonds kept the girls safe.
The girls got some BB Gun instruction and got to learn how they need to set goals and aim for them.

"Shining Examples"
Sisters Tamara and Shelby Hintze did a wonderful job teaching this class.  
They began by sharing with the girls how many different types of light are like the savior.  Then the girls got to make a craft.

The girls made these glow in the dark "lanterns".
They filled them with scripture verses about light.  
They were told when they saw their lantern glowing, it was their reminder to take a scripture out and read it.

"Choose the Right"
taught by Lisa Johnson
The girls played several different games.  In this game, they had to make it across the field stepping only on the paper plates. Each girl had one paper plate and they needed to pass them forward as they went.  They also played Twister and with a large cage ball.  As the day heated up, later groups opted to go down to the river and dip their feet in to cool off.

"Beacons of Light"
taught by Ron and Betty Olcott
A cooking class where they made bannock (biscuit on a stick) and rolled it in butter, cinnamon and sugar.  They also talked about how temples are beacons of light and bring nourishment to our souls.

Enjoying lunch.  Our high council member over Primary, Alan Pehrson, organized some helpers to prepare  BBQ hamburgers and hot dogs, chips, veggies, and watermelon.  The girls sat at tables that coordinated with their t-shirts.

hard at work prepping lunch

We had three riddles the girls could solve.  If they solved them, they got a kiss (Hershey's)
Can you solve them?

I can not exist without light, but when light lands on me, I take flight.
What am I?

A REBUS, also known as “Frame Game” or “Word Picture Puzzle”, is a picture representation of a name, word, or phrase. Each "rebus" puzzle portrays a common word or phrase.

Can you guess what it is?


You live in a three story building. In the cellar there are three light switches, in the attic there are three responsive lights. You have to find out which switch belongs to which light.

There are a few restrictions though: You can't see anything at the outside from the cellar where the switches are. You are alone, normal, human, etc. You do know however that from the beginning all the switches are in the "off" mode. You can only go up once to check the lights in the attic. Then you are allowed to go down to the cellar and you must know which light switch belongs to which light! 

Good luck!

We gave each of our leaders a thank you treat.  The warm weather meant eating the chocolate was more like eating go-gurt.  The label said, 

Matthew 5:16, "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify to your Father which is in the heaven.”

Thank you for sharing the light of your testimony with the girls at Activity Day Camp 2012.

Closing ceremony

Giving their group cheer at the closing ceremony

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Our opportunity to serve

"Are you ever guilty of murmuring when a calling comes to you? Or do you accept with thanksgiving each opportunity to serve your brothers and sisters, knowing that our Heavenly Father will bless those whom He calls?  May we ever remember that the mantle of membership in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is not a cloak of comfort but rather a robe of responsibility. Our duty, in addition to saving ourselves, is to guide others to the celestial kingdom of God."  Thomas S.  Monson (The Saviors Call to Serve)

What a wonderful opportunity you have to serve in primary.  Jesus loved the little children and you have been called to teach them and love them as He did.  

Elder M.  Russel Ballard (Teaching No Greater Call) said, "Clearly, those of us who have been entrusted with precious children have been given a sacred, noble stewardship, for we are the ones God has appointed to encircle today's children with love and the fire of faith and an understanding of who they are."  

*  Teach them correct doctrine simply and clearly
*  Teach them that the peace , love, and warmth they feel at primary come from the Holy Ghost and are the beginnings of their testimony.  
*  Help them understand the gospel and how it applies in their world, home, and family.  
*  Teach with variety and ask, what will the children do to learn and how can I help them feel the Spirit?  

Cherish your calling in primary.  You receive special blessings as you teach children.  You have an opportunity to learn the gospel in its simplicity when you give lessons and the spirit will testify to you and the children that these simple principles are true.  Remember when you study and pray about each lesson you will be  prepared and the Spirit will be with you.  When you teach with the Spirit you guide others to the Celestial Kingdom.  I know I feel the Spirit each time I come to your primary.  I know you love the Lord.  

Autumn McClellan
Arlington Stake Primary
2nd Counselor