2015 Primary Theme

2015 Primary Theme: I Know My Savior Lives

“For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth” ( Job 19:25).

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Dare to Do

"President Monson taught that we should love everyone and learn to see how we can help them." (The Savior's Call to Serve)

I was reminded of an experience this morning.  On the Sunday of our ward conference my boys decided it would be funny to sit in the very front row of the chapel.  Normally, we sit on the very back row because well, my kids can be a little noisy.  They ran in first and I came in and sat on our row.  Pretty soon I am thinking, where are my kids, and there they were front and center.  I tried to talk them into sitting in the back, but they were not budging.  My husband and I caved to their will and sat in the front row.  I thought this would be sheer torture, but guess what it wasn't that bad.  I made it through one Sunday sitting in the front row.  I ventured out of my comfort zone.  The next Sunday we were back in our comfort zone, but I learned it is okay to step out once in awhile.  

I would encourage you to step out of your comfort zone on occasion.  Say Hello to someone new.  Send a note to a child you have not seen in awhile.  If you feel the spirit prompting you, go and bring them some cookies and let them know you miss their family at church.  Talk to the parents and find out if there is anything you can do for them.  What is the worst thing that can happen?  All they can say is "No".  Love that family until they come back and keep loving them so they want to stay.  Be bold, and be brave, the Lord will help you.  

"The Lord will not permit us to fail if we do our part.  He will magnify us even beyond our own talents and abilities...It is one of the sweetest experiences that can come to a human being."  Ezra Taft Benson

Autumn McClellan
Second Counselor
Arlington Stake Primary

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