2015 Primary Theme

2015 Primary Theme: I Know My Savior Lives

“For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth” ( Job 19:25).

Friday, May 4, 2012

Preparing Spiritually and Teaching by the Spirit

The following video teaches us about the importance of preparing spiritually in our callings and in our families. http://www.lds.org/service/leadership/prepare-spiritually?lang=eng
I love the scripture which was used to begin the video.
“And when he had sent the multitudes away, he went up into a mountain apart to pray: and when the evening was come, he was there alone.” Matthew 14:23

It brings to mind another scriptural account which is similar.

“And it came to pass about an eight days after these sayings, he took Peter and John and James, and went up into a mountain to pray.” Luke 9:28

The first scripture is a great reminder and example to us to take time out for spiritual communion and feasting so that we can be better prepared to teach with the spirit. The second is similar, only this time Jesus takes his disciples with him. We too can bring those we teach with us to as we “go up into a mountain to pray”. We can help those whom we teach to feel the spirit so that they also say as Peter did “it is good for us to be here”. (Luke 9:33)

Consider these words from ‘Teaching, No Greater Call concerning the importance of the Spirit in our teaching.

“The spirit of God speaking to the spirit of man has power to impart truth with greater effect and understanding than the truth can be imparted by personal contact even with heavenly beings. Through the Holy Ghost the truth is woven into the very fibre and sinews of the body so that it cannot be forgotten.”
– Joseph Fielding Smith (Teaching, No Greater Call, p. 41)

“If you accomplish nothing else in your relationship with your students than to help them recognize and follow the promptings of the Spirit, you will bless their lives immeasurably and eternally.”
–Elder Richard G. Scott (Teaching, No Greater Call, p. 48)

“Parents and teachers, our efforts to help our children establish a heritage of rich spiritual memories are never wasted...They will remember what they know and what they have felt. They will remember their identity as children of Heavenly Father, who sent them here with a divine purpose.”
–Sister Susan L. Warner, former counselor in Primary general presidency (Teaching, No Greater Call, p. 6)

I know that as you prepare yourselves spiritually, you will have the ability to bring a feast to those whom you teach so that they will desire to know what you know, and to feel what you feel...and you will aid them in knowing and feeling of the spirit in their own lives. This is the essence of all good teaching.

My love to you.
-Sister Colburn

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