2015 Primary Theme

2015 Primary Theme: I Know My Savior Lives

“For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth” ( Job 19:25).

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Serving Families

In our latest Worldwide Leadership training, we were given counsel concerning families. Consider these words from President Nelson’s talk.
“Our task to defend the family is not an easy one. Trends in the world diminish the significance of the family.”
“In reality, we are raising our children in enemy-occupied territory. The homes of our members must become the primary sanctuaries of our faith, where each can be safe from the sins of the world.”
“Three times in sacred scripture the warning is made that “the whole earth would be utterly wasted” at the Lord’s return if certain conditions were not in place (see D&C 2:3; 138:48; Joseph Smith—History 1:39). In each instance, that warning relates to the condition of the human family without the sealing ordinances of the temple. Without these ordinances of exaltation, the purposes of creation would not be realized.”
Those are pretty powerful words on the importance of families. As we serve the children in our Primaries, we must always keep in mind that we are serving families. In line with counsel from this same meeting, we must seek first to understand (see Elder Uchtdorf’s talk). Consider, what are you doing to understand the needs of the families in your ward? What are you doing to “turn the hearts of the children to their fathers” (Malachi 4:5-6)? What are you doing to support families, to help the children to feel supported within their families? We must be careful that we do not attempt to reach past or supplant the parent in order to reach the child. This may sometimes be difficult with some families, but I know that as we seek the Lord’s help we can find ways to strengthen the families of all children in our Primaries...remembering that the child’s family is and needs to be their primary sanctuary from the “enemy-occupied territory” of the world and that “no other instrumentality can take its place.” (see The Family: A Proclamation To The World).
Thank you for all of your tireless effort in serving the children and their families. Often it is through the child that the parent will be reached and brought into activity. This was so in the case of my own husband, and it has been an immense blessing in the lives of my children and in my own life. I am ever thankful for it.
My love to you.
-Sister Colburn

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