2015 Primary Theme

2015 Primary Theme: I Know My Savior Lives

“For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth” ( Job 19:25).

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Teaching Children Reverence and Respect

Weekly Teaching Moment:  Teaching Children Reverence and Respect
“When Primary leaders are asked to share some of their challenges in Primary, they often say it is a lack of reverence and respect. Children are growing up in a world where reverence for God and civility toward one another are rapidly diminishing. Incivility and irreverence can become normal and accepted by our children unless we teach them otherwise.
Description: http://www.ldschurchnews.com/media/photos/8508195.jpg

Parents can nurture reverent and respectful attitudes and behavior in their children. Primary leaders are asking parents to teach the true meaning of reverence to their children and set an example of reverence.
Children are not born with a natural inclination to be reverent. President Marion G. Romney said, "By and large, children . . . will be just about as reverent as they are trained to be, and no more" ("Reverence," Ensign, October 1976, p. 3).
What can parents and Church leaders do to encourage and nurture reverent and respectful attitudes and behavior in children?”   

I hope that you can take some time this week to click on this link and study the “rest of the story”.  I found this wonderful new article on LDS. Org.  While you are studying it,  write the impressions (revelations) that come to you and share them with your primaries.

I hope you each have a rewarding Sabbath Day tomorrow as a result of your preparation-
Tanya Yancey
Arlington Stake Primary President

Sunday, September 16, 2012

A Few Short Years

Weekly Teaching Moment:  A Few Short Years

My two teenage children and I spent the day today at Century Link Field in Seattle with the High School Band.  It was fun.  The band participated in the half time with many other HS Bands from all around the state and with the Husky Band for the half time of their football game.  I was impressed by the mass of humanity and the amount of people, lights, scoreboards, talent, TV’s, music, money, advertisements, noise, etc.  My thoughts were drawn to ponder the approximately eight short years that have been given us to protect and teach the children about what is most important.  To teach them the reality that they are known individually to their Father in Heaven and that He loves them perfectly and uniquely. It is in these short years that we lay the foundation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in their hearts and the knowledge of how to listen to the Holy Ghost, before Satan can influence their lives and the distractions of the world and millions of other choices crowd their thoughts.   Our Father in Heaven has laid this assignment and privilege with us!  How blessed we are to be a part of helping Him in His work of salvation among the children of men! 

Each one of you are appreciated more that you know-
Tanya Yancey
Arlington Stake Primary President

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Giving children responsibilitiy

President Hinckley said that “every member needs a friend, a responsibility, and nurturing with the good word of God.” I have been thinking about how to help the children have more responsibilities in primary, so they feel like it is theirs and they take pride and ownership in what happens there.  Some ideas I found are:

            -Consider having one of the older children stand at the door with a presidency member to help greet people coming in to primary and shake their hands
            -Have children introduce new children and visitors in opening exercises
            -Invite those with musical talent to play a hymn or prelude or help lead the music
            -Encourage children to share their testimonies and experiences
            -Give them opportunities to support, recognize, and encourage others as they accept responsibilities
-Give them assignments such as talks, prayers, and parts in sharing time.  Give them advance time to prepare and offer to help them, being cautious not to remove the responsibility from them.
-Give the children through Activity Days and Scouting the opportunities to set goals and take responsibility for achieving them using in the Faith in God books and other resources
-Give them assignments in setting up the rooms or preparing for activities or helping clean up according to their age and skill level
-help them accept the responsibility to be a friend and a missionary to other children

These are just a few ideas of how to help the children take responsibility in their learning.  Please adapt these ideas or find other ways for the children to take part in your own primaries.  We all find more joy in something that we have helped to create versus someone else doing all the work.  We all need to help to have the true joy of the Gospel. 

Have a great day!
Tanya Yancey
Arlington Stake Primary President

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The house of the Lord

Today, I had the amazing privilege of going with my neighbors to the Seattle Temple where they were sealed for time and All Eternity.  58 years ago they eloped to Vegas and were married by a drunk clergyman.  They have been inactive for about 30 years.  It was one of the greatest opportunities of my life to be there rejoicing with them!!  I can’t think of anything that brings more joy than to see people you have loved and fellowshipped and taught for many years go to the House of The Lord and receive His greatest blessings!  I thank the Lord for giving me the patience to see the fruit of my labors this day.  This experience taught me to never give up asking , praying, hoping, inviting, and loving.  Every chance you get, take someone with you to the Lord’s House, so that you can rejoice together.

Testify often of the incredible blessings of the House of  the Lord to the children.  Then, they too, can experience this scripture for themselves when the Son of God said, “My peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you…”  This peace is found in the temple and can be carried forth into our homes and hearts.

I love you dear sisters and thank you for your faithful examples and service-
Tanya Yancey
Arlington Stake Primary President