2015 Primary Theme

2015 Primary Theme: I Know My Savior Lives

“For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth” ( Job 19:25).

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Our Little Lost Ones

This week I am so thankful for my calling.  As some of you know I am a Substitute teacher for Lakewood, Arlington, and Marysville.  I get so excited to see the faces of our stake primary children at school.  They are such good kids.  They are strong children that are filled with goodness and light. 
I also get excited when I see a non-member students face show up at one of our church buildings.  It makes me so happy because we have such good things to share with them.  Things that can change their lives for the better.  We are so lucky to have the gospel and to know the truth.  It brings such peace as times grow darker. 
I feel confident knowing that when one of these children show up at church that you will take them in and will make them feel loved.  I know you will make them feel like they have come home and that makes my heart swell with joy.  We are in the midst of the gathering.  They will keep coming and I ask that you stay close to the Savior.  That you will pray for Heavenly father's inspiration and guidance in everything you do.  As you do this you will be prepared for whatever the Lord has in store.  I also ask that you seek some of the lost faces.  Just start with one.  Find out about his or her family and discuss in ward council how you might reach his or her family.  A heart full of love can never be wrong.  The children are waitng.
Sister McClellan
First Counselor
Arlington Stake Primary

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