2015 Primary Theme

2015 Primary Theme: I Know My Savior Lives

“For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth” ( Job 19:25).

Monday, November 12, 2012

Teaching with the Scriptures

This week I wanted to stress the importance of using the scriptures to teach.  Let the children see you with the scriptures in hand using them to teach in your primary classes and sharing time.  Scriptures would even be appropriate to use during music time.  As you teach using the scriptures try and relate the stories to the children and their own life.  The scriptures teach us all kinds of lessons, but one of the biggest lessons given is that we can trust Jesus.  In good times, in bad, He is there protecting and guiding His faithful.  Little children will feel Heavenly Fathers love as you use the scriptures to teach them about the gospel.

Jefferey R.  Holland expressed, "The Psalmists once said the word of the Lord was a lamp unto their feet and a light unto their path.  I hope you can teach these children early and often that they will need the light of the scriptures to guide them through some of the darkness that swirls around them, even now, in their innocence."

As you reach for the scriptures in primary you will teach that the scriptures hold the answers to their questions and problems.  When they see your example they will know where to turn first for help and they will reach for the scriptures.  I am thankful that we can all work together to raise children that love God.  When we love God it is easy to keep the commandments.  When we keep the commandments we are happier. 

Autumn McClellan
First Counselor
Arlington Primary Presidency

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