2015 Primary Theme

2015 Primary Theme: I Know My Savior Lives

“For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth” ( Job 19:25).

Monday, June 3, 2013

Righteous Fathers

This post is a little late because my family tried to go camping in the rain this weekend.  It was very wet and muddy.  At least it didn't phase my boys.  It took them all of 5 minutes to get muddy and they wore their mud with pride.  I hope you all had a great family weekend.  
On our trip we had an 8 month old baby with us and she was none too happy at night.  Instead of getting mad and being grumpy because of the lack of sleep I found myself sitting in my sleeping bag smiling from ear to ear.  I listened as a young father tried to quiet his baby.  He was humming "I Am a Child of God" to his little baby girl as he walked around camp in the pitch black.  He was so patient, calming, and loving and it made me think of a thought from Sister Wixom during her talk in General Conference, she said,
"The young father I spoke about earlier, who wrote about his memories of his second-grade teacher, is now raising a beautiful baby daughter. He feels the heavenly trust that has been placed in him. As she grows up, what will be her future? What will he say that will sink deep into her heart? What words will encourage her, lift her, and help her to stay on the path? Will it make a difference if he ...takes time to whisper, “You are a child of God”? Will she remember someday that her father often said the words, “I love everything about you”?

Isn’t that what our Heavenly Father was saying to His Son and to all of us when He said, “This is my beloved Son” and then added, “in whom I am well pleased”?" 
Fathers are not born they are made by righteous Christ-like parents.  They are taught by example at church and through primary.  This young father holds his priesthood well.  He treated his daughter just as Jesus would.  Jesus is our ultimate example.  He is Love.  I was so happy that there was another good righteous father in the world and that he will make a difference to those in his life and throughout his community.  Remember that the children in primary may be a little loud and rambunctious at times, but someday they are going to be singing primary songs to their children.  See what they can become.
Autumn McClellan
First Counselor
Arlington Stake Primary

Build a Firm Foundation

President Southworth in our recent Stake Conference asked us parents to talk to our children about violence and pornography early.  He said, "If we wait until after graduating from primary, it is too late." 
I had a recent discussion with my own children on this subject because my 10 year old son was playing in the woods with his cousin and they found a bag full of pornographic magazines. Luckily they knew this was not something they should look at and they came to tell us. This gave my husband and I an opportunity to tell our children what we believe and why we believe differently than the world.  We were able to express why these images are so dangerous and why we respect women instead of degrading them.  We were able to talk openly and honestly with our children.
I know this is a subject left for parents to teach.  You as primary leaders also have an important role.  President Gordon B. Hinckley, prior President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints said: “A return to the teachings of God will do more than all else to keep our ship of state on a steady course as she sails into the third century a nationhood. Here is the answer to the conflicts the best us. Here is the answer to the evils of pornography...” (Teachings of Gordon B. Hinckley, pp. 18) As primary workers you get to help children learn about God and Jesus Christ.  You help them build a firm foundation.  You help them recognize the Spirit and help them gain testimonies of the gospel.  This is what will protect them when the evils of the world come flooding in.  With His powerful help you can do more to protect them from Satan then anything else.  You are fortifying our children from the adversary.  Thank You!
Autumn McClellan
Arlington Stake Primary
1st Counselor

Our children can teach us

In our last General Conference I was touched by Rosemary M.  Wixom's talk. "The Words We Speak."  My husband was very impressed by a phrase she spoke, "We'll fix it and we'll clean it up." Those simple words say alot to a child.  They say, you are not bad.  They say, everyone makes mistakes.  They say, I love you and am here to help you.  What is more Christ like than that.  There were a lot of great things in this talk , but today I want to remind you of what she spoke at the end of her talk she said, "...may we pause to listen, for a child is most capableof speaking great and marvelous things in return."
As I thought about this, I thought about 10 year old Brother Ferguson from the Stanwood Ward who was so brave to stand in Stake Conference and speak the words of a child.  What a simple yet powerful testimony he has.  I thought about all the visits I have made and the simple gospel truths that are expressed by children all over our Stake each Sunday.  Their simple prayers, and talks, and comments are heartfelt and true.  I love the simple basics of the gospel.  I love the songs the children sing and the Spirit that is felt in primary.  We are so lucky to be with children that are discovering the gospel in new ways each week. 
This week I want you to remember how special children are.  How Heavenly Father loves them.  To teach children is a privilege and an honor and I know if you listen to the hearts of the children, truely listen, you will hear marvelous things.  I know you will feel the Spirit each week and your heart will be touched by a little child.  As a child Jesus taught many great and important men.  Our children can teach us how to be true and faithful if we listen
On LDS.org I found theseshort videos under Primary Resources.  They are videos from children all over the world.  Just children sharing their testimonies of the gospel.
Autumn McClellan
Arlington Stake Primary
First Counselor