2015 Primary Theme

2015 Primary Theme: I Know My Savior Lives

“For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth” ( Job 19:25).

Sunday, March 2, 2014

20 Minutes

My dear Music Leaders,

We are busy people. That seems to be a common theme in our church, and especially in our female members. We do a lot, and a lot is asked of us. We hold ourselves to high standards, and we expect to present an organized and successful experience.

Children have a different view. Their perception of time is very different than ours. Where we may feel like we just haven't spent enough time reviewing that song, or playing this game, the children we work with often thrive with the variety that we can manage to fit into 20 minutes of singing time. 

If you are struggling to fit in everything that you feel like you need to do, or that is asked of you, it may be time to sit down and review what you want your 20 minutes to look like. Review the Handbook and the Primary Songbook. Get ideas from your ward and stake leaders. We are happy to assist you in arranging a schedule that will work for you. A good schedule includes time for 3 things: getting the wiggles out, Primary program learning ("this month's song"), and a game or other fun activity. In Senior singing time, there is often time to teach a second song each month as well, as the older children are capable of reading to help them memorize the words.

Remember that you are blessed in this calling. Heavenly Father loves good music - we know this because it is seemingly everywhere in our church gatherings. You are happy women who love music, and you are in this calling to share that love with the children. As they grow, they will always remember the love and the Spirit that they felt in Primary, and they will sing the songs that they learn now for the rest of their lives. Thank you for sharing your love and your testimonies with the children in your ward.

Sara Hammond
Arlington Stake Primary Presidency
Music and Nursery Specialist

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