2015 Primary Theme

2015 Primary Theme: I Know My Savior Lives

“For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth” ( Job 19:25).

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Hastening His Work

At the Saturday night session of Stake Conference last weekend, President Flake talked to us about hastening His work. He asked some in the congregation to share their missionary efforts. Wonderful stories and thoughts were shared, like one brother hands out pass along cards each time he gets gas. President Flake then asked us at the end of his talk about what message we might take away and again asked some to share their thoughts. There was no way I could speak on the spur of the moment to answer his question, but had I the courage I would have said just one word....preparation. I need to be prepared to share the gospel. Not just carrying pass along cards or Books of Mormon with me, but to prayerfully and spiritually prepare to share the gospel each day. Do I pray for someone to talk to? Do I practice what I'm going to say or sharing my testimony? Do I prepare myself to have the Spirit as a companion so that I might say His words and do His works? Am I willing to be guided by the spirit?

How does this relate to Primary? Well, each week the gospel is shared with the primary children. Each week we are teaching future missionaries, fathers, mothers and church leaders. It seems like it is a part of hastening His work! Each week we must prepare lessons, games, activities and handouts. (pass along cards and Books of Mormon) But do we pray for guidance? Do we practice what we are going to say? Do we prepare ourselves to have the Spirit as a companion to know what say or to do or to know what a specific child might need? Do we have the courage to guided by the spirit even if it means to set the lesson book aside to answer a child's question that may not be in the lesson?

I wonder if it works the other way? Have our the preparations and teaching we do each week in Primary prepared us to share the gospel with friends, neighbors and even strangers!

Elise Simbeck
Arlington Stake Primary
First Counselor

Friday, April 18, 2014

Yoked with His Power

This week I’ve been pondering the various callings in primary, the teaching tips I might want to pass along and Cub Scout or Activity Day ideas I could share. But my thoughts return to one idea-how important our callings are, no matter what the calling is. When we accepted our callings, Heavenly Father entrusted us with a great responsibility. Our efforts in Primary can make THE difference in a child’s life. We are helping parents to give children the tools they need in this life and hopefully we are helping to head them down the right path. My words are not to add a burden or make anyone feel guilty, but to show how much Heavenly Father loves and trusts us and how much faith He has in us.

I also ponder about the one single thing can we do to succeed in our calling. The answer is to come unto Christ. Read your scriptures, say your prayers, attend the temple and take time to be still and listen. When you fill your lamp, your calling becomes easier and it begins to feel more of a blessing than a job to do. Christ said, “For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:30)

Elder Russell M. Nelson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, “You come unto Christ to be yoked with Him and with His power, so that you’re not pulling life’s load alone. You’re pulling life’s load yoked with the Savior and Redeemer of the world, and suddenly your problems, no matter how serious they are, become lighter.”

I don't need to pass along activity ideas or teaching tips, because each of us can succeed in our calling when we are yoked with His power!!


Elise Simbeck
Arlington Stake Primary
First Counselor

Monday, April 14, 2014

Are we teaching the children to be courageous?

I love General Conference weekend. How blessed we are to have such opportunities to be able to hear the Lords words directly from the mouths of prophet and apostles. One talk that I keep thinking back to was the talk that President Monson gave during the priesthood session on Saturday night. It spoke of being courageous when we are alone as well as in public. Are we courageous to make the right choices when no one else knows except for the Lord? It Are we doing everything to ensure that we are teaching the children to be courageous like the 2,000 Stripling Warriors. Are we teaching them with the spirit so that they know that what they are learning is true like the Stripling Warriors testified of? We live in a wonderful and terrible time; we need to make sure that we are teaching these incredible spirits how to be courageous even in those quiet moments when no one else is looking.


Melanie Bissey
Arlington Stake Primary
Second Counselor