2015 Primary Theme

2015 Primary Theme: I Know My Savior Lives

“For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth” ( Job 19:25).

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The Strength of Our Youth

I have been amazed lately at the strength of our youth.  At our combined stake women's conference in March I was in awe at our primary age girls.  Again, at Stake Conference at the adult session when a discussion was opened up the youth were not afraid to stand and witness.  Our youth are intelligent and thoughtful.  They are brave and bold.  Our primary children are not afraid to open their mouths and share their experiences and their testimonies.  

Recently, we had the missionaries over and were re-doing our mission plan.  My 9 year old son made a commitment to invite his neighbor friend to scouts and to church.  Did he wait or, think about what he was going to say?  No, he went to school the next day and opened his mouth to invite.  His friend went to scouts that Wednesday.  

President Southworth stated in Stake Conference, "The teacher is the Holy Ghost, open your mouth".  President Flake said, "As the world grows darker, the light of the gospel shines brighter".  I know this to be true.  Jesus was found at the temple at age 12 teaching great men.  Our primary children and youth live the gospel and love it.  They teach me every week.  The gospel and the Spirit can touch every man, woman, and child.  Even a child can speak with the Spirit of God.  Let us be part of the 12th man advantage President Flake was talking about.  Let us assist parents in teaching our children the stories of Jesus and other prophets.  Let us teach them to recognize and feel the Spirit in primary.  Teach them about testimony.  If we are stronger in the gospel, our children will be stronger in the gospel.  In Alma 56:47 it says, "Yea, they had been taught by their mothers, that if they did not doubt, God would deliver them." Those stripling warriors (really just boys) about to face death believed their mothers. "We do not doubt, our mothers knew it", is what they said.  Let us teach the children to trust God.  He has the best plan for us and will always protect His children.  

Autumn McClellan
Arlington Stake Primary President

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