2015 Primary Theme

2015 Primary Theme: I Know My Savior Lives

“For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth” ( Job 19:25).

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Six Thank You's

Last week, Sister McClellan gave a challenge to each of us, in her Teaching Moment, to write a letter of gratitude and read it to the person we were thanking. At a church meeting this week, the question was asked "How do our children feel about their church teachers?" So, I combined the two and made my children write a thank you note to a teacher of their choice. Here are their letters:

Dear Br. (Matthew G.) Williams,
Thank you for being my teacher. I liked the treats you brought each week. They were yummy. It was fun to goof around after class.
Brian, age 9

Dear Sister (Brittany) Glenn,
Thank you for being my music teacher. I really enjoyed the pizza party after we sang in Sacrament Meeting at Thanksgiving. It was easy to learn the songs because you explain them so well. You made singing time fun.
Your Friend,
Aaron, age 11

Dear Brother (Brian)and Sister (Mary) Murray,
Thank you for being my teachers and making class interesting. I loved the fun stories you told us and that you let us teach the lessons too.
Your parties are amazing!
Thank you,
Hallie, age 13

Dear Sister (Jennifer) Fairbanks,
Thank you for being my teacher. I could always feel the spirit when you taught. Your lessons were really meaningful to me and I loved coming to class each week to hear them. I can remember, as a Beehive, there was one lesson I particularly appreciated. It was about family history and temple work. You helped me understand the temple and made things much clearer. Your teaching and strong testimony made me want to do everything I can to make sure my whole family can be together forever. Thank you again for your service. You are a wonderful example of the teacher I want to become.
Thank you,
Grace, age 19

Brother (Shane) Klingonsmith and Brother (Jay) Schilaty were cool. They were the best teachers I've ever had. They were prepared each week to teach the lesson and could answer any question we had...any question we had. They were funny too. I knew they cared about me.
Paul, age 23
Sister (Phylis) Pettersen,
I still remember sitting in the shade of the tree with my beehive class at church that Sunday about 27 years ago.  The day had been too beautiful to stay inside our stuffy classroom, so you suggested we go outside for our lesson. You were so patient and gentle with us. We were not always attentive or appreciative of you.  I don't remember the lesson you taught, but I do remember the drawings you gave us each week.  The pictures were beautiful and matched the lesson perfectly.  I learned that day that you drew them.  The church did not have a copy machine.  You drew the picture 10 times so each girl could have a copy.  I still remember how you looked when you told us that.  I stared at you. I didn't understand what I saw in your face that day.  I couldn't believe that you would spend that much time each week drawing a picture for each of us that we would most likely throw away. I didn't understand why you would do that.  But, I understand now.  I saw love in your eyes that day. You loved us.  That is why you drew the pictures for us and how you could be so patient with us.   Thank you. Thank you for the drawings and for teaching me, by example, how to love like the Savior. 
Thank you with all my heart,

Before a child can learn in any class, they need to feel comfortable and care about. There needs to be something that the children can take home with them whether it is a piece of knowledge, feeling loved, the spirit or I guess in my children's case food. They don't expect a perfect lesson each week, but they do expect the teacher to be ready to teach because our children are ready to learn. I think these teachers stood out for my children, because they made my them feel special and important. It's all about love. 
Elise Simbeck

Arlington Stake Primary

First Counselor

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