2015 Primary Theme

2015 Primary Theme: I Know My Savior Lives

“For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth” ( Job 19:25).

Monday, October 13, 2014

Strength Through Christ

Today, I was reminded that all people, including children have weaknesses and limitations.  It also reminded me of the scripture, [If any of you have done it to the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.]  I was a painfully shy child and I have a son that struggles with getting in front of people, also.  As I watched Camano Ward practice for their primary program today my heart went out to those children that really struggled to be in the spotlight.  Sometimes they struggle with being shy, sometimes it is a struggle for kids that are not the best readers.  Whatever the issue it helps to know the kids in your primary, so you can help them and be mindful of their struggles.  It may be necessary for some children to read with a group.  It may be necessary to help a child memorize a passage and it may be necessary to listen to a child and determine if they need more time to gain confidence. 

Last year my son took piano lessons for the first time and at the end of the year they have the opportunity to perform in a recital.  He was so nervous about this that he cried and cried and did not want to go.  As I talked with my son I told him how he can pray and ask for Heavenly Father to help give him courage and that with Heavenly Father's help everything always turns out better.  I told him about my experiences as a child and I helped him pray and ask for help.  The next day he preformed at his recital and gained a testimony that Heavenly Father does answer prayers and will help us with our silly limitations.

I  appreciate the loving kindness of adults that love and keep encouraging children with limitations.  Do know this, that those weaknesses through Christ will be made strong.  I know this to be true since I am asked to speak in front of people quite frequently now.  I could never have done this as a child, but as I put my trust in the Lord  year after year I have learned that he helps me say the things He wants others to know.  It is still hard and I still get nervous, but I know He is with me.   Never give up on a child and keep encouraging and inviting.  If they say no, it is okay, but keep asking them to come up and participate.  In time they will surprise you.  Love is always the key!

Autumn McClellan
Arlington Stake Primary President

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