2015 Primary Theme

2015 Primary Theme: I Know My Savior Lives

“For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth” ( Job 19:25).

Monday, January 26, 2015

Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ Love Me

Today's primary theme, "Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ Love Me".  Thinking about this I can't help but think what life is like for those that do not have this knowledge.  When life gets hard and you want to give up what do you have to hold on to.  To get you through?  I know many times I have said over and over in my head Heavenly Father and Jesus love me and want me to be happy.  I can do this.  This knowledge helps me press on.  It helps me have the strength to get up the next day.  It helps me not give up on life.  This is a knowledge our children need to give them confidence and strength when life gets tough.  

Another thought I had was what do we do for people we love?  We do everything we can.  We give everything we can.  I think of all the obedient prophets in the scriptures that quickly obeyed.  When we serve diligently and keep our minds on what the Lord wants us to do we show them that we love them.  What is the most important? It will always come down to love and relationships.  I don't always love my job as a school teacher, but I do love moments when I get to be like Jesus.  I was able to hug a little boy and wipe his tears until he stopped crying this week.  His friend in class was moving away and he was very sad about it.  These moments keep me going when it gets hard.  I am glad I know Heavenly Father and Jesus love me and I am happy I can share that love with others.  I am happy you get to share your love with the primary children each week.  I am glad you get to teach them about Heavenly Father and Jesus and I know as they grow in their love for the Savior they will be able to share this love with those around them.

Autumn McClellan
Arlington Stake Primary President

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