2015 Primary Theme

2015 Primary Theme: I Know My Savior Lives

“For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth” ( Job 19:25).

Thursday, January 8, 2015

The Christmas Season

The Christmas season is upon us and with that comes so many opportunities to draw closer to our Savior as we remember Him and serve others in efforts to be more like Him. This time of year can bring so much happiness and joy but also tends to bring feelings of stress and frustrations to many. There is much to do from the shopping, cooking, baking, entertaining, kids are out of school, families and friends are stopping by and maybe even staying with us! The world is pushing commercialism and we are trying to focus on our Savior. It can be a bit much and even the biggest optimist can have feelings of doubt and inadequacy.

If you have some of those feelings, relax! You are normal. It happens. Take a deep breath, say a prayer and know this.... Heavenly Father loves you and you are amazing and making a difference. You've got this! Stay positive, take a moment for yourself, it will be ok.

President Gordon B. Hinckley said this, "You did not come into the world to fail. You came into the world to succeed. You have accomplished much so far. It is only the beginning. As you move forward on the trail of life, keep the banner of faith in self ever before you. You may not be a genius. You may not be exceptionally smart. But you can be good and you can try. And you will be amazed at what might happen when in faith you take a step forward."

So have a wonderful December. Take the time to really notice the miracles all around you and love the people you are with! Keep trying your best and know that it matters. You are making a difference and that is the greatest gift you can give.

Love, Lauri Ferguson
Stake Primary Presidency
2nd Counselor

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