2015 Primary Theme

2015 Primary Theme: I Know My Savior Lives

“For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth” ( Job 19:25).

Thursday, November 5, 2015


I woke up thinking about a smile.  A smile that made my day.

Yesterday I ran around all day like a chicken with its head cut off.  I was a bit stressed.  Just a lot going and everyone in the family in different directions.  But, as I pulled into the parking lot of the Stake Center with my suburban full of food for the Stake Conference Priesthood dinner, there was a primary age child standing on the curb smiling.  My son who held the gravy around every corner so it wouldn't spill said, "Who is that." I looked at the boy on the curb and smiled back. I said, "Brian Simbeck".  For those of you who know Brian, you might say, "What ? Brian Simbeck was smiling?  Are you sure? Do you have the right kid?"  In fact, it was him and he has the best smile!!

He was there to serve.  Serve with a smile, his mother, the Stake Priesthood leaders, and I.   You see his mother had the flu, but made a sacrifice to bring all the items she was assigned.   He was waiting for me on that curb with a smile to help unload my car.  To help open cans in the kitchen.  He was ready with a smile to do anything we asked him to do.  

"When you are in the service of your fellow man, ye are in the service of your God." Primary children can serve. How can we give primary children opportunities to serve?  I have seen the senior primary boys put up chairs when primary is over.  Can the cub scouts put up chairs and put away chairs after pack meeting?  Can you ask a child to erase the chalkboard?  I know we have collected food for the food bank. Activity day girls made baby hats for preemie babies at the hospital.  What else can we do to get into the spirit of service? 

We need to give our children opportunities to serve.  To feel what it is like, to be like Jesus.  I remember Tanya Yancey who was our previous Stake Primary President.  She took her kids with her everywhere.  I wondered at times wouldn't it be easier to leave them at home.  I soon, saw what opportunities they had to serve as they traveled around with their dear mother.  I started thinking, I need to bring my kids more often.  Children learn by example.  If they see you serving with a smile.  If they see that you can make any situation better with your attitude, then they will too.  I know Elise Simbeck is a great example of service for her family.  She does so much and has many talents that we get to enjoy.  She always shows up when it is important.  I know that her children will look up to her and will call her name blessed.  

Thanks Brian.  You made my day.

Autumn McClellan
Arlington Stake Primary President

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