2015 Primary Theme

2015 Primary Theme: I Know My Savior Lives

“For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth” ( Job 19:25).

Monday, February 4, 2013

Reverence in the Classroom

It is new year and many of you may have made some new goals concerning your primary.  Maybe some of you are still having problems with reverence.  Many of you know I am a substitute teacher and I go into all kinds of classrooms.  I never know what kind of group I will get.  This means I have to walk in with a plan.  I have to come in with confidence and lead a group of 25 kids.  If I do not they will eat me alive!!

I state my expectations for their behavior right from the start even if I have been in their class before.  Each day is a new day and can bring new challenges.  This could look something like this...

I am so excited to be here today.  In order for all of us to learn and have fun I will need you to help me out by raising your hand when you want to talk.  I expect you to be quiet so your friends can feel the spirit.  If I feel you are getting too loud for the spirit I might say, If you can hear me touch your head.  If you can hear me touch your nose... You try different things until they are quiet and listening. Practice this once and then state what you will be learning for the day and what they will be doing to learn about it. You can try other techniques such as clapping a pattern, holding up 3 fingers and counting down to 1, there are so many you can try,  google classroom management techniques and pick one that is comfortable for you. 

You may have to do this technique repeatedly at first until they get used to it.  It may feel uncomfortable for you at first.  You may feel like you are stopping to get their attention too often.  It is better to get through half of your lesson with them listening and feeling the spirit then just going on to get through it.  This is not easy, but the more you practice it the easier it will become and soon, they will be eating out of the palm of your hand!  The most important part of your lesson is when you bear your testimony or testify of the principal you are teaching about.  This is the most important point for them to be listening.  Please get their attention before testifying.

Nobody works harder then the leaders and teachers in primary.  Some of you have some tough kiddos that really need boundaries.  They will rise to meet your expectations if you take the time to ask for what you want.  Remember the Lord is on your side.  With His help you can tackle anything, including a room of little children.  "All thy children shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of the children"  3 Nephi 22:13  Let the Lord do the teaching by helping the primary children stay reverent.  Do not be discouraged I know He is ready and willing to bring the Holy Ghost at each and every opportunity.  You are greatly loved.  


Autumn McClellan
First Counselor
Arlington Stake Primary

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