2015 Primary Theme

2015 Primary Theme: I Know My Savior Lives

“For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth” ( Job 19:25).

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Helping Families Come unto Christ

In General Conference we were challenged to watch and use the new priesthood videos in our wards and to teach our families.  As I have 4 boys of my own to prepare for the priesthood, I took this to heart and have been trying to plan some family home evenings on the subject.  In Stake Conference President Soutworth shared that if children do not have a foundation of the gospel and a budding tetimony by the time they leave primary, it is too late.  We as a Stake Primary just today offered a training on how to take a boy from cub scout to Missionary. "You have four years to make a difference" Tanya Yancey. It was a very inspiring meeting. 
As leaders in Primary it is your job to help families come unto Christ.  It is your calling to help children recognize and feel the Spirit.  It is within your power to help children understand that they do have a testimony of the gospel.   Through primary, activity day meetings, cub scout meetings and other activities you help families prepare children to be, "Exemplary men and women, real servants of the Lord, prepared to teach the gospel by precept and example throughout their mortal lives."  Russel M.  Nelson (Preparing Future Missionaries Priesthood Training Video)
I hope you all can find some ways to use these priesthood training videos in your homes, and with your Primary.  Children will honor the priesthood and priesthood leaders if they see you honor and respect those that are worthy to hold this special power from God.
Enjoy this beautiful weather!!
Autumn McClellan
Arlington Stake Primary
First Counselor

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