2015 Primary Theme

2015 Primary Theme: I Know My Savior Lives

“For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth” ( Job 19:25).

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Teaching with the Spirit

After the training last week, I have been thinking a lot about teaching with the spirit. I thought about what I have been taught over the years when it comes to feeling and using the spirit to teach. Three main things came to mind:

1. Daily sincere prayer; where we strive to listen to what the Lord has to tell us when we pray.

2. Daily scripture reading; where we think and ponder on what we have read.

3. Reading our lesson ahead of time; so that we can ponder on the topic. Giving the Lord the opportunity, to give us revelation about what we should be teaching.

These three simple steps seem so easy too easy. So I asked myself if these steps have worked in my own life. My thoughts went back to my mission when I was praying several times a day, reading my scriptures daily and teaching on a daily basis. My answer was a resounding yes that these simple steps have worked in my own life to teach with the spirit. More times than I can count, are moments, where the spirit reminded me of principle that studied that day or week during a teaching moment. Then I thought how are we able to teach with the spirit, if we aren’t filling our vessels with knowledge from the Lord. Like the 10 virgins, on a daily basis we can choose to fill ourselves with spiritual oil, so that we are prepared when those teaching moments come. Or through personal choice we can be empty, when those priceless moments present themselves. The choices, I make, determine whether I have a full vessel or an empty one when the teaching moments present themselves.

Melanie Bissey
Arlington Stake Primary
Second Counselor

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