2015 Primary Theme

2015 Primary Theme: I Know My Savior Lives

“For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth” ( Job 19:25).

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


I was in Gospel Principle Class a couple weeks ago and we had an interesting conversation with an older gentleman who is a new convert.  The conversation went something like this. 

-Convert:  “How is it that I am asked to call these young men(the missionaries) “Elders” and how is it they have the knowledge and authority to teach me who am many years their senior?”

-The Elders shook their shoulders not knowing what to say. 

-My hand came up enthusiastically in part in an attempt to rescue them, but also with a divine truth, “I know why they have the knowledge to teach you, because they went to Primary!”

There are other factors, but in my heart the answer was clear, that these dear young missionaries had been taught all that they needed to know about the Plan of Salvation when they were young children and those basic principles of the Gospel are Eternal and simple. 

Another reason these young men can teach is that they are set apart and called by the Holy Priesthood of God which is the power to act in Gods behalf on earth.  The covenants we make, beginning when we are eight, are given to us by the Priesthood.  “These covenants and associated ordinances unlock the power of the atonement in our lives.” 

Please take time in your families and presidencies to study the following brief videos, asking yourselves the question, “How can I use the power of the priesthood more to bless my family?  How can I utilize the priesthood to bless those in my stewardship?”
Worldwide Leadership Training - Strengthening the Family and the Church through the Priesthood   http://www.lds.org/training/wwlt/2013?lang=eng
I am so thankful for priesthood power in my life and for the blessings I receive daily because of the ordinances I have had and my righteous desire to keep the covenants I have made.  Our Heavenly Father loves us and wants to bless us through His Priesthood Power on earth.

Tanya Yancey
Arlington Stake Primary President

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