2015 Primary Theme

2015 Primary Theme: I Know My Savior Lives

“For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth” ( Job 19:25).

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Rescue

I hope that all of you have had the wonderful opportunity to see the broadcast on June 23, 2013. If you haven't had a chance yet here is the link to the broadcast http://www.lds.org/training/wwlt/2013/hastening/special-broadcast. I urge everyone to take the time to watch it. All of the leaders spoke about how the Lord is hastening the work and that the least effective way to share the gospel is through tracting. The leadership of the church is telling us our mission is simple. We are to love, serve and sincerely become friends to those around us. By doing this we will see our brothers and sisters come unto Christ. Elder Perry said, "Our ward councils lead the charge of bringing people back to church". How great would be our joy, if every primary child that was on our rosters were with us every Sunday; gaining a sure foundation of the gospel. He also tells us "that we don't need an assignment to do the work". Elder Ballard shared, "that the work begins on our knees".
I know that this seems so simple but I know that if we sincerely pray about the wonderful children that are missing from our circles every Sunday, the Lord will let us know who is ready to receive us in their homes and accept our invitations. If we are sincere in our efforts, they will feel it and desire to be with us. The hardest part will be is turning off the TV, or putting down that good book when we are prompted by the spirit and leaving our warm home to serve our brothers and sisters. Trust me I know. Stay tuned next week will be about how two of the greatest men I have ever known joined the church because of their children.

Melanie Bissey
Arlington Stake Primary Second Counselor

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