2015 Primary Theme

2015 Primary Theme: I Know My Savior Lives

“For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth” ( Job 19:25).

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Bless Us to Have Fun

A few weeks ago, I found myself frustrated because it seemed every prayer I heard in church and at home included “help us to have fun”. I kept thinking, “Really, do we need to have fun every day and in everything we do?” And so before my frustration could build any more, I paused. I thought about what were the children really saying when they asked Heavenly Father to bless them with fun. Then a quiet peaceful thought came to my mind. I was reminded that Heavenly Father could speak all languages including the language of children. When they said “Bless us to have fun in Primary,” He heard “Bless us with many ways to learn the gospel and to feel the spirit today.” I am afraid I had become too busy with my daily tasks that I forgot that children aren’t always able to say what they are thinking or feeling and do the best they can. I was reminded to stop listening with my ears. I needed to slow down and hear what was spoken from the hearts of the children, not their mouths, and let the Holy Ghost guide me to understanding them. I was sure humbled very quickly and grateful that my Heavenly Father understands the “language” of me too! Elise Simbeck Arlington Stake Primary Second Counselor

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