2015 Primary Theme

2015 Primary Theme: I Know My Savior Lives

“For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth” ( Job 19:25).

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Enduring Well

My thoughts today come from a quote I read in the January Ensign, "Enduring Well" by Elder J.  Christopher Lansing.

Quote:  What we get during our life is inconsequential, but what we become in life makes all the difference.

What are you becoming?  Is your calling helping you become a better person?  Is it making you and your family stronger?  Is it making you more faithful, more prayerful, and more obedient?  Are you learning new things about yourself and your talents?  If this is so, you are becoming closer to what God has intended.  

Autumn McClellan
Arlington Stake Primary President

Monday, February 17, 2014

Kind Words

Yesterday was Valentine's day so, like any mom I decided to tease my teenage sons. I asked if any of them got any love notes at school. They both gave me the typical answer, an embarrassed, "No, Mom!" Then one of my sons pulled a torn, crumpled note from his pocket and said, "But I did get this." The note said, "Thank you for being in my class, you bring all of us together." I found this to be remarkable because this girl usually finds my son obnoxious and annoying. She found something positive to say to him and I thought it was brave and kind of her to put such words on a note to him. I also found it remarkable that he did not throw it away. He kept it in his pocket. It must have meant something to him. His opinion of this girl will forever be changed. I hope he will never judge a book by its cover and will always be friendly and kind to everyone.

This note made me think of the many primary children we work with. How many of them will be forever changed by a kind word we say? How many will be forever changed by feeling the Spirit in primary. How many will be on the path to happiness because we shared our hearts and testimonies in primary. We may never know, but "As we show love for those we teach, they become more receptive to the Spirit." Teaching No Greater Call

Increase your love for the children in primary by praying for them, by getting to know them and their interests and concerns. Call them by name and listen attentively to them. As you learn and grow with the children your love will increase and the children will be receptive to the truth that you teach. Look for a primary child that needs a kind word this Sunday. Reach out and give a hug or a high five. Kindness is love.

Autumn McClellan
Arlington Stake Primary President

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Trusting our Father in Heaven

Have you ever had a prayer you thought was not being answered? Sometimes it is just because the Lord trusts us to make the right decision all on our own. We sometimes forget how well Heavenly Father knows us. He trusts us and we have to let ourselves trust Him. We have to have faith that whatever we decide the Lord will be with us helping and making little miracles happen along the way. When we look back we will see His hand a little more clearly. Trust that as you diligently try to keep your covenants you will be guided by the Holy Ghost in all you do and say. When we exercise our faith we can teach children to trust the Lord and exercise their faith. Teach the children that prayers can be answered in many different ways feelings, thoughts, other people, fasting, blessings, and sometimes the feeling of no answer is in reality an answer. No answer is not always an answer we like or want, but Jesus Christ planned that we have agency to choose. Heavenly Father knows the talents and tasks we are capable of even when we don't. He wants us to use our agency to choose.

Mosiah 5:7 And now, because of the covenant which ye have made ye shall be called the children of Christ, his sons, and his daughters; for behold, this day he hath spiritually begotten you; for ye say that your hearts are changed through faith on his name; therefore ye are born of him and have become his sons and his daughters.

When we keep covenants and exercise our faith we become sons and daughters of Christ. We become like Christ. Why wouldn't He trust us to make good decisions.

Autumn McClellan
Arlington Stake Primary President

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Hasten the Work

We have heard and have been called to hasten the work. "The time is now, " says our prophet Thomas S. Monson. Elder Ballard in General Conference said in his talk, "We are simply asking all members to pray, knowing that if every member, young and old, will reach out to just "one" between now and Christmas, millions will feel the love of the Lord Jesus Christ. And what a wonderful gift to the Savior." Our own Stake President discussed with us in Stake Council recently about missionary work and the rescue. President Southworth said we need to "personally engage." That means sharing our lives with others. When someone asks about your weekend, tell them about the service you do at church. If they seem interested invite with love. It means to actively engage in prayer concerning missionary work. Heavenly Father is preparing people that may enter your path. He knows who is in need, or might want to come back. Pray and invite without fear. In his talk, "Put Your Trust in the Lord", Elder Ballard states, "The key is that you be inspired of God, that you ask Him for direction and then go and do as the Spirit prompts you." If you have not seen a child in class for awhile, send them a note. If you have some inactive children pray about who may need a visit. Invite a child to come to scouts or activity days. Get the primary children involved in this work. They will amaze you. There is a lot going on during the holidays so, reach out and invite. Be praying and pondering and discussing in your ward council about which family we can visit after your ward conference in the new year. Today I learned at a scout training, that there are three types of people...those that make things happen, those that watch things happen, and those that say, what just happened. I hope we are those that will engage in the work.

Autumn McClellan Arlington Stake Primary President

Heavenly Father's Plan

The words to "The Church of Jesus Christ" have been in my thoughts this week.

"I belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints. I know who I am. I know God's plan. I'll follow Him in faith. I believe in the Savior Jesus Christ. I'll honor His name. I'll do what is right. I'll follow His light. His truth I will proclaim. "

Remember as you teach the children about Heavenly Fathers plan they are learning who they are and what the true purpose of this life is. They learn what matters most. They learn that they are not only loved, but beloved sons and daughters. Beloved means, dearly loved. They will remember when the world says they aren't good enough, or when the world says they don't fit in, or when life gets hard to bear. They will be able to tell themselves, "It does not matter what they think of me, it matters what my Heavenly Father thinks of me." If they have felt His love they will have this peace and even as adults will know this simple truth. Alma 37:35 "O remember, my son, and learn wisdom in thy youth; yea learn in thy youth to keep the commandments of God."

I love you for being the type of person mentioned in the song above. I thank you for proclaiming the truths of the gospel to the children of our Stake. I know if children learn to follow Jesus in their youth they will have a testimony and testimonies are what keep us on the path.

Autumn McClellan
Arlington Stake Primary President

Teaching in the Savior's Way

Even though, I have what I believe would be a good understanding of the Plan of Salvation and that we lived in a pre-existence before we came to Earth. I am constantly amazed at how different we all are from from each other from the very moment we arrive on this earth. How different we are even from our own siblings being raised by the same parents. I’m sure that you have witnessed this amazing blessing in your own children. I’m also sure that you have learned that you need to adjust your teaching methods to each of your children in hopes of getting through to each of them as an individual. We need to learn to take this ability in to our primaries and use unique was to help each child learn and grow in the gospel. Ways meant just for them that will touch their hearts and tell them of the truthfulness of the gospel.

This may sound impossible when you are teaching several children at the same time but I know that it is possible. First, it should go without saying but I will say it anyways, that we need to start with the spirit. Second, we need to put several different ways of learning into each of our lesson plans. The best way that I can think of to do this is to learn to teach the way the Savior taught. I was lucky enough to be teaching the YW when the “Come Follow Me” teaching structure was rolled out to the church. I felt this was a truly inspired plan to help us as teachers to learn how to teach by the spirit. I would challenge all of you to study the short guide “Teaching the Gospel in the Savior's Way” which I am sending the link to and encourage everyone in your primary especially the teachers to study it. The pages that stood out to me are entitled “Teaching in the Savior’s Way”. It lays out simply how the Savior taught. I challenge you this week, to at least, read these two short pages and watch the videos that accompany them. The link below will take you directly to those pages. The whole guide which is only 16 pages will help you to teach with the spirit and give you the steps to teach each child as an individual. Our main goal is this life should be to live a life that will help us return home to live with our heavenly family once again and along the way help all of our brothers and sisters to do the same.


Melanie Bissey
Arlington Stake Primary
Second Counselor

Learning the Gospel of Jesus Christ through Sharing Time

Sharing time provides opportunities for children to learn the gospel of Jesus Christ and feel the influence of the Holy Ghost.

This time normally includes the following elements:

1. Prelude music, a reverent song or hymn that the children know, and an opening prayer by one of the children.

2. One or more of the following: a scripture passage chosen and read by one of the children, memorization of an article of faith, a brief message by a member of the bishopric, one or two activity songs, and children’s talks that are related to the month’s theme.

3. Gospel instruction by the Primary presidency. This portion lasts about 15 minutes. Members of the presidency use the scriptures and follow the current outline for sharing time as they prepare and teach.

4. Singing time conducted by a music leader. This portion lasts about 20 minutes (see the current outline for sharing time).

5. A closing prayer by one of the children, followed by postlude music.

Sharing time normally includes important elements that contribute to the reverence of primary and that assist you as leaders in teaching the children how to feel the Spirit. The music elements can be some of your greatest tools in setting the tone for your meeting.

Piano players should arrive before the children so that prelude music can be playing as the children enter the room. Teachers and leaders can assist in setting the reverent tone by reminding the children to sit quietly listen to the music. (Teachers should be listening to the music as well, leading by instructions and by example.) Piano players should be available to play when needed for the sharing time lesson, and provide postlude music while the children are being excused.

The opening song, sometimes referred to as the reverence song, should be a song that the children know. In some wards, the reverence song may come at the beginning of closing exercises. When the children sing a song they are familiar with, they can think about the words and the meaning. This can help the children focus and be prepared for the prayer and talk. Some wards may choose to have one or two activity songs as part of opening exercises. Singing time is the appropriate time to teach new songs, including the theme song from the Sharing Time outline. Songs can be taught in a variety ways including actions, games, and pictures, and repetition.

When we follow the instructions given by our general leadership, we will invite inspiration to our callings and the Spirit to our Primary meetings.

Sara Hammond Music/Nursery counselor Arlington Stake Primary