2015 Primary Theme

2015 Primary Theme: I Know My Savior Lives

“For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth” ( Job 19:25).

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Teaching in the Savior's Way

Even though, I have what I believe would be a good understanding of the Plan of Salvation and that we lived in a pre-existence before we came to Earth. I am constantly amazed at how different we all are from from each other from the very moment we arrive on this earth. How different we are even from our own siblings being raised by the same parents. I’m sure that you have witnessed this amazing blessing in your own children. I’m also sure that you have learned that you need to adjust your teaching methods to each of your children in hopes of getting through to each of them as an individual. We need to learn to take this ability in to our primaries and use unique was to help each child learn and grow in the gospel. Ways meant just for them that will touch their hearts and tell them of the truthfulness of the gospel.

This may sound impossible when you are teaching several children at the same time but I know that it is possible. First, it should go without saying but I will say it anyways, that we need to start with the spirit. Second, we need to put several different ways of learning into each of our lesson plans. The best way that I can think of to do this is to learn to teach the way the Savior taught. I was lucky enough to be teaching the YW when the “Come Follow Me” teaching structure was rolled out to the church. I felt this was a truly inspired plan to help us as teachers to learn how to teach by the spirit. I would challenge all of you to study the short guide “Teaching the Gospel in the Savior's Way” which I am sending the link to and encourage everyone in your primary especially the teachers to study it. The pages that stood out to me are entitled “Teaching in the Savior’s Way”. It lays out simply how the Savior taught. I challenge you this week, to at least, read these two short pages and watch the videos that accompany them. The link below will take you directly to those pages. The whole guide which is only 16 pages will help you to teach with the spirit and give you the steps to teach each child as an individual. Our main goal is this life should be to live a life that will help us return home to live with our heavenly family once again and along the way help all of our brothers and sisters to do the same.


Melanie Bissey
Arlington Stake Primary
Second Counselor

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