2015 Primary Theme

2015 Primary Theme: I Know My Savior Lives

“For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth” ( Job 19:25).

Monday, February 17, 2014

Kind Words

Yesterday was Valentine's day so, like any mom I decided to tease my teenage sons. I asked if any of them got any love notes at school. They both gave me the typical answer, an embarrassed, "No, Mom!" Then one of my sons pulled a torn, crumpled note from his pocket and said, "But I did get this." The note said, "Thank you for being in my class, you bring all of us together." I found this to be remarkable because this girl usually finds my son obnoxious and annoying. She found something positive to say to him and I thought it was brave and kind of her to put such words on a note to him. I also found it remarkable that he did not throw it away. He kept it in his pocket. It must have meant something to him. His opinion of this girl will forever be changed. I hope he will never judge a book by its cover and will always be friendly and kind to everyone.

This note made me think of the many primary children we work with. How many of them will be forever changed by a kind word we say? How many will be forever changed by feeling the Spirit in primary. How many will be on the path to happiness because we shared our hearts and testimonies in primary. We may never know, but "As we show love for those we teach, they become more receptive to the Spirit." Teaching No Greater Call

Increase your love for the children in primary by praying for them, by getting to know them and their interests and concerns. Call them by name and listen attentively to them. As you learn and grow with the children your love will increase and the children will be receptive to the truth that you teach. Look for a primary child that needs a kind word this Sunday. Reach out and give a hug or a high five. Kindness is love.

Autumn McClellan
Arlington Stake Primary President

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