2015 Primary Theme

2015 Primary Theme: I Know My Savior Lives

“For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth” ( Job 19:25).

Thursday, September 3, 2015

A Nursery Lesson

Okay.  I’m here is nursery and its chaos.  The children just want to eat snack and play with the toys.  If one isn’t crying, the other is throwing the toys.  And I’m supposed to give a lesson?!  Yeah, right!  Like they would even know that they are missing it.  I’m pretty sure they don’t learn from it either. WRONG! 
President Thomas S. Monson has quoted a prominent medical authority who said that the most receptive age in human life is that of two or three years.    

“Children of this age can begin to understand simple, yet profound, gospel principles such as the reality and love of Heavenly Father and Jesus, the love of family, the strength of prayer, the truth of the First Vision, and the beauty of God’s creations.  They are active, need love and affection, have short attention spans, are acquiring language skills, and enjoy a variety of activities. They are always learning.  (Teaching in the Nursery, Teaching at Home By Margaret S. Lifferth)
The purpose of the nursery class is to help children learn the restored gospel of Jesus Christ and live it. The nursery class should help the children increase their understanding of and love for Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, have positive experiences in a Church setting, and grow in feelings of self-worth.
(Behold My Little Ones Manual page 1)

In His loving-kindness, our Father in Heaven has provided teachers to help His children learn what they must do to receive eternal life. (Teaching No Greater Call Lesson 1) 

You are that teacher for the Nursery aged children!!!  Prepare a lesson AND give it to the children in Nursery each week.  Heavenly Father needs you to teach His little ones!

Elise Simbeck
Arlington Stake Primary First Counselor

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