2015 Primary Theme

2015 Primary Theme: I Know My Savior Lives

“For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth” ( Job 19:25).

Thursday, September 3, 2015

What to Do?

There's always that one child or those two together that you have to keep your eye on.  What can you do?  They don't seem to hear you and it seems like mom and dad are just too overwhelmed to address the issue.  Is there anything that can be done?

There are some things that can be done, but first you need to start with yourself.
1.  Pray.  Pray for patience, understanding and guidance.
2.  Pray again.  Pray to know this child and understand his circumstances. 
       Pray to know what this child personally needs to receive from primary
      and how you can help. 
3.  Pray some more.  Pray for love for this child.  Remember the worth of souls...
4.  Evaluate your own efforts and seek to improve. 
             Read the information on LDS.org in the Primary section.
    There are several articles and videos on improving reverence, helping disruptive children 
    & teaching children with disabilities. Don't forget the book "Teaching, No Greater Call".
    It is full of insight and techniques!!

Now, you're ready to act.
5.  Greet her by name.  Tell her how excited you are that she is here today.
6.  Express your love for him. 
7.  Strategically place him in Primary or in his class.  Can you remove any distractions? 
8.  Is there a job she can do?  Have her be responsible for something each week.
9.  Does he need something to do with his hands?  Is there a toy or book she can look at
      that wouldn't distract the others?  An I Spy water bottle?
10.  Use statements of understanding rather than statements of scolding. 
           (Teaching No Greater Call pg. 81)
11.  Praise and Reward.
12.  Repeat steps 1-12

Here's a great video about seeking the spirit and being flexible.

Elise Simbeck
Arlington Stake Primary
First Counselor

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